Seizure Success Stories
Kingsville Specialized Crimes and Narcotics Task Force
During my 12 years as an officer I used many different fiberscopes; all claiming to be the best on the market. Some scopes were big and bulky; some required a large trunk to carry the entire kit and some even had an extra carrying bag for the oversized battery. Before using the scope I had to place the battery pack somewhere on the vehicle (or around my shoulder), maneuver around the attached light source and begin searching; all the while not trying to drop any of the large bulky pieces.
Due to the career I’ve chosen, I have had the opportunity to test and evaluate different makes and models of fiberscopes. Well, I am sold on the FreedomView Fiberscope by Optim. Folks, this scope packs all of a criminal interdiction officer’s wants and needs into one small/well-priced product. From the scopes small (rugged) easily transportable carrying case, to the internal light source, it is very clear the design was made for criminal interdiction officers.
I am currently using the FreedomView Fiberscope by Optim and am here to tell you, it’s the easiest and most functional fiberscope on the market. Currently, Texas Highway Patrol, United States Border Patrol, United States Customs and other state/local agencies are using this exact same scope. I will stake my name and reputation on this scope, it is the complete package. I have used this scope to find 2 compartments within the past 2 weeks; it was nothing short of ease.
During one of the searches I had to drag the scope across a load of plastic in a semi-trailer in order to find a compartment located inside an air condition reefer. If I was using other scopes I would have had to take several moving parts and pieces along with me, which (if you’ve ever done this) is quite the problem because you’re at risk of losing them. Please know that I would personally never recommend a product that I haven’t tested in the field. I know what tools it takes to get the job done and I know what tools work (in the field) and not just on paper. I will HIGHLY recommend this scope to any and all officers.
Also, for SWAT personnel this is a great and functional tool. Small enough to carry up to threshold, it can be used under doors, in windows or in holes without detection. I have used fiberscopes during real-world operations and personally got to see the failures. While carrying a fully loaded kit, an operator’s last concern should be cords and straps getting caught on mag pouches, radios and weapons. Since FreedomView by Optim is a single piece scope, the operator will NEVER have this issue. Ease of movement depends on kit placement and mobility of attached tools; this fiberscope will NOT hinder either.
Since the light source is internal there is only one (solid) piece that will be carried by recon teams while evaluating a threshold or preparing for an entry. If there is a necessity for light inside the recon area, the Freedom View’s internal light source can be dimmed or brightened by simply pushing a button located near the carrying handle.
Pecos Valley Drug Task Force, Carlsbad New Mexico
We use the Freedom View Scope in every day activity combating the illegal drug traffickers that infiltrate various areas of the United States, and through southern New Mexico. The Freedom View scope is used by Agents of the Pecos Valley Drug Task Force to find hidden compartments in various vehicles utilized by the illegal drug traffickers, who hide contraband in vehicles. This has been a valuable tool to locate contraband as well as hidden compartments. The ability to record the observation by the agent, presented in court has been prima facia evidence which saves the agent’s time in court and the court process itself. I would highly recommend the Freedom Scope to other law enforcement agencies.
Alabama State Troopers
The Alabama State Troopers have been and will be return customers for the FV660 & FV680. The optics are great but the portability (encased design) has been most beneficial. The compact design allows the scope to be carried inside the thigh pocket when crawling up and over and through tight areas (Commercial vehicles). This protects the scope from being swagged to promote longevity of the product and officer safety (falling from loads due to swag). We are extremely pleased with your product
City of Dothan
We have used the freedom view and we are pleased with the operation. I want to thank you for this investment.
Phelps County Sheriff, Rolla MO
I’ve worked Criminal Interdiction for the last 22 years, full time for the last 10 years. As we become better trained so do the smugglers in their efforts in concealing their contraband. As most tools can be purchased at a local hardware store or substituted, the only tool the cannot is a fiberscope. The most important tool I’ve struggle with was having a “reliable” fiberscope. I’ve used several brands where they required roadside assembly, use of a plug in for power or a heavy battery. As time went on, parts began to wear out and sadly recall having to stop the search as the scope wouldn’t function. The FreedomView scope has solved all these problems. It is SO easy to use and carry around. It’s almost as easy as using a flashlight is the best way I can describe this great tool. There is nothing more frustrating than to have to end a search because you don’t have a reliable tool.
The FreedomView LED Videoscope and Fiberscope are used daily by law enforcement and security professionals, below are some of the articles / stories where the FreedomView has been used to successfully seize contraband.
Share your seizure success stories with us and help us to add to the “Bust Meter” removing contraband from our streets – email with your stories of seizures while using the FreedomView Fiberscope or Videoscope!