Optim MobileFEES System on display at the Riyadh FEES Instrumental Dysphagia Assessment Course in Saudi Arabia

September 15, 2015 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Advanced Business Developers of Dubai UAE, a distributor for the Optim LLC Medical Endoscopy line, proudly displayed the Optim MobileFEES System at the Riyadh FEES Instrumental Dysphagia Assessment Course in Saudi Arabia. The course was held in the Security Forces Hospital under the direct supervision of Dr Abdul Rahaman Al Akeel, Head of the Speech and Swallowing Department. The Optim MobileFEES System was displayed and used by US-based SA Swallowing Services (SASS) to conduct FEES-related procedures. SASS personnel were on-site to present the first FEES training course in the Middle East.
The Optim MobileFEES System allows ENT Physicians and Speech Language Pathologists to set up portable bedside or office-based FEES programs within their practice. With the Optim MobileFEES system you bring the equipment to the patient, avoiding impractical transporting of patients. The system incorporates Optim’s ENTityXL Nasopharyngoscope with its battery operated internal light source and the Optim VidCap USB camera kit to create a truly portable system. The system is ideal for nursing homes, rehabilitation, hospitals, clinics and independent Speech Language Pathologists.