Service & Repair
Expert service is always at hand
Should your Optim product ever need service or repair, we provide expert, responsive service right here in the USA at our manufacturing facility in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.
Optim requires that a Return Material Authorization (RMA) be obtained prior to sending your equipment in for repair. To obtain an RMA please contact our office or complete the following form:

Medical Endoscopes and Accessories:
Lisa Skowyra
Phone: 800.225.7486 / 508.347.5100 | Ext. 5182
Industrial/Security Fiberscopes, Videoscopes, Accessories:
Anna Melander
Phone: 800.225.7486 / 508.347.5100 | Ext. 5181
When returning your equipment, please include all related accessories and return in the original carrying case. Please be sure to properly reprocess products prior to returning to Optim.
Ship to:
Optim LLC
64 Technology Park Road
Sturbridge, MA 01566
Attn: RMA#________________
Optim Authorized Service and Repair Providers:
ERPA Instruments
Contact: Ernst Paar
Hydrograaf 8, 6921 RS DUIVEN
The Netherlands
Phone: 0031-26-4950973
Fax: 0031-26-4950974